Japanese Name: Sendai-mushikui

English Name : Eastern Crowned Warbler
Scientific Name : Phylloscopus coronatus

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All photographs on this page are taken by Hisashi Kawanabe. I would like to thank him for his help.

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6. 28 April 2003
Wajima-shi, Ishikawa
Photo taken by Hisashi Kawanabe

 Its plumage is more greenish than the birds on page 1. The plumage may be fresher than the birds on page 1.
lower mandible is yellow without dark spot on the tip. Supercilium is narrow in front of the eye and broad at the rear.
Underparts are pure white.
7. 28 April 2003
Wajima-shi, Ishikawa
Photo taken by Hisashi Kawanabe

 Undertail-coverts are yellowish.
 The longest primaries are p6 and p7. P10 is longer than the primary coverts.
8. 28 April 2003
Wajima-shi, Ishikawa
Photo taken by Hisashi Kawanabe
The crown is darker than the mantle. As the median crown-stripe does not reach the forehead, it is difficult to see in a front view.
There is an emargination of the outer webs in p5 to p8. In p5, however, emargination of the outer web is indistinct.

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